Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thing 22

October 27, 2008
I really enjoy DOING my job, but I'm not fond of blogging about it--still less, reading other people's blogs on the topic.
Nothing personal, librarians, I'm just not interested in anyone's blog for the most part. Exhibitionism combined with diary keeping--combining the worst features of both pursuits, it seems to me. If that sounds overly harsh, well, perhaps it's because I'm such a long-standing diarist myself. Maybe I'm just reacting badly to technological innovation, but I suspect it runs deeper. I REALLY like (no, depend on) the complete privacy and freedom of self-expression to be found in my personal [non-digital] journal. I just can't get my mind around sharing it with the world. Ever elitist, I like to think of "my reader" (aka chere lectrice--assume the accent grave) as the One and Only who waits for me across time and space. Is she my unborn granddaughter? Will I ever meet her?
Speculations that run far afield of today's topic.

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