Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Finished! Thing 23.

I finally trudged across the finish line today.
What have I learned? More than I expected. At least three of the 23 applications have become part of my standard repertoire. Flickr. com, podcasts and YouTube are all standard operating procedures for me now, and I expect that will continue. Other applications seem less useful to me, but at least I now know what RSS feeds, social networking sites and social bookmarking entail.
Biggest surprise of the process? Finding the hitherto unknown branch of the family on Facebook(if indeed the Hansburgs of Arkansas are an African-American twig on the otherwise Jewish family tree) . In fact, that was almost worth the entire 23 things altogether. It has such a delicious 21st century aspect to it. I've always suspected that one of my sons will marry a girl from another race. Time for some hybrid vigor in the family bloodlines, I thought. But who knew that we were already more multicultural than we had imagined!! It's a good time to elect a half-Kansan, half-African president. He's our kind of people.

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